Subscribe to re:filtered

The internet, digital platforms, and media ventures are fundamentally changing right now in ways that will change our ability to be informed and connected in the future.

In this monthly newsletter, this media nerd explores the opportunities that emerge in this disruptive moment for new models of civic media ventures.

Why re:filtered? This newsletter is meant to be my way of challenging myself and embracing vulnerability as I explore and learn about new ideas and break down the mental filters I have developed in my thinking about media.

I try to gain a new understanding after this inflection point in media, have some hope, and share that with you.


#14: 'Journalism needs to decenter journalism'

#13: Thoughts on this moment and research on how people share news

#12: The metamorphosis of media leadership & 2025 predictions

#11: When we leave the Club

#10: Democracy crumbles in darkness

#9: Tangible media experiences

#8: How we think about information may be too narrow

#7: Research is reporting, reporting is research

#6: Your truth isn't necessarily my need

#5: Google Zero isn't new to exiled media

#4: Journalism awards for jobs done

#3: From volume to ‘Lifetime Civic Value’

#2: Beyond extinction

#1: A place for legacy media amid, and after, the news apocalypse